About the Gardenkeeper

Where to start?

Bridget with a Ponderosa Pine, 1978

Is the story of making forts and flower soup with my sisters on the cliff by our house going back too far? That was Spokane back in the 1970’s on what is now part of the Ben Burr Trail. It felt like we had the whole place to ourselves and it was great. We got to be outside with the rocks and plants and do whatever we wanted. I can remember feeling like I never wanted to go inside! Maybe that’s how Gardenkeeping really started? I found a way to stay and play outside.

I’ve been a gardener in Port Townsend since 1992.

I took some time off from work in 1995 when the first of my two boys was born. That was a wonderful spell of years. Not only was I able to have that time with my kids before the rest of the world showed up, but it also allowed me to dive into my own garden: a large vegetable patch, endless garden beds, and a lot of experimental pruning with my bushes and trees!

When my kids went off to school, I went back to work, and by 2008 I had started my own garden maintenance business. Then, in 2016, I created Gardenkeeping.com as a space to connect with those who love plants and the gardens they grow in. I’m endlessly amazed at a plant’s natural ability to add meaning to even the smallest moments in our lives: I know they’ve added so much to mine.

Happy Gardenkeeping!